Solar Calculator

1. Choose any one of the following

Total Roof Top Area


Solar Panel Capacity you want to install


Your budget
Sq. m.   Sq. Feet

2. Select State and Customer Category

3. What is your average Electricity Cost? :

Rs. / kWh

What is a Solar Calculator?

The solar rooftop calculator is an online tool that helps you determine the potential savings you can make by switching to solar power. It is one of the most advanced solar calculators available, and it takes into account a wide range of factors, including your location, energy consumption, and electricity rates.

To use the solar calculator, simply choose below options (Total Roof Top Area or Solar Panel Capacity you want to install or Your budget) wich ever you want fill the data in it then select state and customer category after that add your average electricity cost. The calculator will then provide you with an unbiased snapshot of your solar potential. This snapshot includes an estimate of your solar system size, solar savings potential, solar investment, return on investment, and solar financing options.

If you want to calculate EMI, we also provide EMI Calculator after geting result on solar calculator below we give EMI Claculator.

The solar panel calculator also tells you what kind of appliances you can run with solar power for how many hours in a day. This information can help you fine-tune the most suitable solar PV system design for your needs.

The GSE Renewables Solar Calculator is a powerful tool that can help you make informed decisions about your solar power investment. It is backed by sophisticated algorithms and data on every possible location in India, so you can be confident that the results are accurate and precise.

    How to Use a Solar Calculator?

    While initially appearing intricate, using a solar energy calculator is far from complicated. Opting for online solar power calculators offers a rapid, user-friendly, and hassle-free experience. Familiarity with the process is crucial, especially for those transitioning to solar energy for the first time.

  • Decide whether you seek a solar power system solely for savings or both savings and backup.
  • Select the appropriate category, residential or commercial, based on the intended installation site for the solar power plant.
  • Then, proceed to input details such as your pin code. The solar panels kwh calculator will automatically generate the state and city, along with your monthly bill in rupees.
  • If utilizing the solar load calculator for both savings and backup, provide additional information regarding the required backup time and backup load in Watts.

After entering all the necessary details, the solar rooftop calculator in India promptly generates estimated results within seconds. Embrace the simplicity of online solar calculator as you embark on your solar energy journey.

Solar Calculator features and benefits:

  • Environment-friendly: Solar calculator operate on renewable energy, reducing reliance on disposable batteries and contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable environment. This shift diminishes the environmental impact associated with traditional batteries, known for potentially leaking toxic chemicals when improperly disposed of, thereby mitigating harm to landfills.
  • Long-term affordability: While the initial investment in solar calculator may surpass that of traditional counterparts, their long-term cost-effectiveness becomes apparent. With no need for battery replacements, solar calculator in india offer extended operational life, requiring minimal maintenance. This longevity translates to substantial savings over time, outweighing the expense of periodic battery purchases.
  • Enhanced convenience: Solar calculator eliminate the need for frequent battery changes, enhancing convenience compared to traditional models. These calculators can function for extended periods without exposure to sunlight, ensuring reliability during prolonged trips or in locations with limited light availability.
  • Robust durability: Solar calculator boast increased durability by eliminating the vulnerability associated with battery corrosion or leakage. Their lightweight and compact design further contribute to durability, making them resilient for on-the-go use.
  • Versatile functionality: Available in diverse designs and sizes, solar calculator cater to various applications, ranging from basic arithmetic to intricate scientific and financial calculations. This versatility ensures that there is a solar rooftop gujarat calculator suitable for a wide array of needs, enhancing their appeal across different contexts.

How will a Solar Calculator help you?

The solar PV panel calculator serves as a comprehensive tool to assist you in determining various crucial elements associated with the installation of solar panel systems, including:

  • Monthly power bill savings: Calculate potential savings on your monthly power bills by switching to solar energy.
  • Recommended solar PV System size: Determine the optimal size of the solar photovoltaic (PV) system based on your energy needs.
  • Area required for installation: Assess the space needed for the installation of the solar panel system.
  • Return on Investment: Evaluate the return on your investment in solar energy, considering factors such as initial costs and long-term savings.
  • Estimated costs plus available financing options: Get insights into the overall costs of the solar panel system and explore available financing options through solar panel cost calculator in India.
  • Total power generation: Understand the total power generation potential of the proposed solar system.
  • Long-term savings: Calculate the cumulative savings over an extended period, emphasizing the financial benefits of solar energy.
  • Positive impact on the environment: Assess the environmental benefits of your solar investment, contributing to a sustainable and greener future.

Solar Cell Efficiency Formula

The efficiency of a solar cell is a measure of how effectively it converts solar energy into electrical energy. It is calculated using the following formula:
η = (Pmax / Pin) × 100%
η is the efficiency
Pmax is the maximum power output of the solar cell
Pin is the incident power from the sun
Pmax is typically measured under standard test conditions (STC), which are:

  • Irradiance: 1000 W/m²
  • Spectrum: AM1.5G (air mass 1.5 global spectrum)
  • Temperature: 25°C

  • Pin is calculated using the following formula:
    Pin = E × A
  • E is the irradiance
  • A is the area of the solar cell
  • For example, a solar cell with a Pmax of 100 W and an area of 1 m² would have an efficiency of 10%. This means that the cell can convert 10% of the incoming solar energy into electrical energy.

    The rising popularity of solar systems in Gujarat can be attributed to the attractive subsidies provided by both the state and central governments. Currently, the cost of solar panels in Gujarat ranges from Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 85,000 per 1kW, influenced by factors such as panel efficiency, technology employed, and the brand. The introduction of the National Portal for Rooftop Solar has streamlined the process of accessing subsidies for solar panels in Gujarat, making it more convenient for residents. If you're considering installing a solar rooftop system in Gujarat, you can use the Solar Rooftop Gujarat Calculator to estimate costs and potential savings based on your specific requirements.


    The adoption of solar panel calculators in India stands as a smart and eco-conscious choice for individuals and businesses alike. Their sustainable operation, long-term cost-effectiveness, and versatile functionality make them indispensable tools. As you embark on your solar journey, consider the expertise of GSE Renewables solar calculator, a trusted solar energy company committed to sustainable solutions. Make informed decisions, contribute to a greener future, and experience the benefits of solar technology with the added support of GSE Renewables.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    To calculate solar panels for a roof, determine your energy needs, assess roof space, and consider panel efficiency. Divide your energy requirement by the solar panel output to estimate the number needed.

    Calculate rooftop area by measuring its length and width, then multiply for square footage. For irregular shapes, break it into sections for accurate measurement.

    For a 1.5-ton AC, you'd typically need around 2-3 kW of solar panels, ensuring efficient power supply to meet the air conditioner's demand.

    Calculate your solar system size by assessing your energy consumption, considering sunlight hours, and factoring in panel efficiency. Divide total daily energy needs by average sunlight hours for a ballpark estimate.

    Solar rates vary. Calculate by dividing total solar system cost by its capacity in kilowatts. This provides the cost per installed kilowatt, reflecting the overall expense.

    A 5 kW solar system can power approximately one 1.5-ton AC unit, depending on factors like sunlight hours, efficiency, and local conditions. Assess your specific energy needs for precise calculations.