Everything about the process and people in the O&M of solar panels
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Everything About the Process and People in the O&m of Solar Panels

solar o&m

Operations and Management(O&M) is a vital part of any Rooftop Solar Power Plant. Industrial and commercial establishments are turning to solar arrays and industrial PV systems for bypassing power outage problems associated with grid supply in the present scenario. This has been given a boost by the presence of open access grids in most states all over the nation. Most solar panel operation and maintenance (O&M) processes require periodic checks for ensuring optimal performance and security. The degree and frequency of solar array monitoring and solar maintenance services are reliant on the system configuration, installation type and location of the commercial solar power system in use. Yearly inspections are suggested by companies providing solar maintenance in India. In addition to inspecting Solar PV O&M systems on a regular basis, it is also necessary to carry out inspections when their ownership changes. 

People in the O&M of solar panels

Solar maintenance services are performed by qualified installers or service solar technicians who are well versed with PV components and the system. They are also well equipped with the safety procedures. All the services do not require qualified technicians but all the employees who work are well trained in the skills to avoid any kind of damages to the panels. These providers of solar panel maintenance services take care of the complete range of PV maintenance processes. Some of such processes are:

  1. Conducting the visual inspections
  2. Carrying out verifications of the PV system operations
  3. Taking corrective actions of the
  4. mistaken steps Monitoring and verifying how effective the corrective actions are, etc.

What are the processes involved in the maintenance of solar power systems?

Popular packages encompass processes involved in the maintenance of solar panels and solar power plants; such as:

  • Timely and regular cleaning of solar cells and solar panels along with the proper maintenance of land around it
  • A consistent maintenance of all thermal-based components in the system
  • Diagnosis and tests of causes related to low solar power production
  • Testing and care of circuits
  • Servicing of HT side equipment on an yearly basis
  • Proper tracing of IV curves and thermal imaging
  • Measure of earth value Servicing of HT side equipment on an annual basis
  • Management of warranties
  • Checking and maintenance of circuits
  • System checks pertaining to data acquisition

What are the services provided by such companies?

In case of solar PV systems’ uptime management, the companies involved in solar panel operation and maintenance offer the following services:

  • Data interpretation and collection of data
  • Monitoring of energy production on a consistent basis
  • Repairing of critical as well as non-critical issues
  • Analysis of trends and KPIs for ensuring continuous growth
  • Selection of specific key performance indicators to minimize cost at the same time giving the best possible system performance
  • Tracking of solar power generation logs and updation of document service histories
  • Remote or on-site sensing of the various environmental conditions that impact the PV system’s maintenance
  • Identification of safety issues Giving alarm or notification if there is any issue
  • Assessment of all the devices needed for restoration and repair
Why are O&M companies needed?

The regular and optimum management of solar panels has become very essential. This has made the industries to bank upon the expertise of solar PV O&M companies as it will give them the required profit. This is exactly where the solar O&M companies come into focus. There are several solar power maintenance companies in India that have engineers with extensive solar maintenance training and are knowledgeable enough to maintain the upkeep of PV systems and perform corrective measures whenever the need be. 

We, at GSE Renewablesrenewables, are devoted to facilitating renewable energy which is both clean and sustainable. GSE Renewables has the experience of the successful management of 30 MW of solar energy projects and works towards strengthening the investor-off-takerinvestor-offtaker relations. 

For more information, feel free to get in touch with us!

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